Reship an order or order line enables when customer reports that an item ordered was not received or damaged in transit. In such case the item can be reshipped to the customer free of charge. From call center or OOB API is used to achieve that.
Criteria for Reship :
- Order must be in ‘Shipped’ Status to initiate the Reship
- Quantity to reship should not be greater than the ordered/shipped quantity.
- After initiated the reship, new line will be added in OMS against the order with zero line value.
- Order line will be in ‘Created’ status and moves to further statuses for processing.
Customer can initiate reship to the original sales order line from call center using ‘Reship Product’ with zero price through call center.
Sales order details

Payment information

Collection details

If a customer wishes to reship a product due to it being damaged or not received, then initiate reship by click the ‘Reship product’ option in the call center.

A new order line has been created for the sales order, with the price set to zero for the reship order lines.

Process the order line and update it to the shipped status.

No changes in Charge details

Once the reship line reaches the “shipped” status, there are no changes to the charges or payment.

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